Luxury Dozen Red Roses


Our dozen Large Headed Red Roses are stunningly gift wrapped in water, making them ready to present to a special someone in your life. These exquisite roses are not only visually striking but also come in a variety of other beautiful colours available for selection in our options.

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Our dozen Large Headed Red Roses are stunningly gift wrapped in water, making them ready to present to a special someone in your life. These exquisite roses are not only visually striking but also come in a variety of other beautiful colours available for selection in our options.

Greetings Card

Our dozen Large Headed Red Roses are stunningly gift wrapped in water, making them ready to present to a special someone in your life. These exquisite roses are not only visually striking but also come in a variety of other beautiful colours available for selection in our options.

*Please note that all pictures are for illustration purposes only-we have the right to substitute. This design may require a minimum of 2 days to ensure availability

Orchid & Red Rose Bouquet
3 Dozen Red Rose Romance
Pink Lillie's and Roses Hand Tied
Valentine’s Luxury Dozen Red Roses
from £65.00
Sweet Heart Pink and White Aqua